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Community Engaged Research to Action: Examples from GeoHealth - Call for Papers

Call for Papers for “Community Engaged Research to Action: Examples from GeoHealth”

The need to address geochemistry and health has never been clearer as highlighted by AGU's new GeoHealth section and the 2017 report by the Lancet Commission on pollution and health that found contamination leads to 16% of global deaths. Improving our understanding of how our environment impacts human health, whether in the form of climate change, natural disasters, or contamination, and how we can solve these issues, requires working closely with those most directly impacted. This issue invites papers on projects that include community-based participatory research, citizen science, or other approaches involving the general public in measuring their own environment.

Manuscripts should be submitted through the GEMS website.

Submission Open: January 1, 2020 
Submission Deadline: January 1, 2021 

For more information, click here.