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Working Group for Curriculum Development for Environment, Health and Development

The FORHEAD Faculty and Curriculum Development Project was launched in 2011 with the goal of strengthening education and training on the links between environment, health and development in institutions of higher education in China.

It is widely acknowledged that the relationship between development, environment and health is complex and that educators, professionals and citizens need an understanding of these issues that goes beyond disciplinary training. Universities and other institutions of higher education play a crucial role in training the next generation and in informing public understandings of environmental impacts on health, yet an interdisciplinary approach to these complex problems remains rare. FORHEAD will build on its extensive network of academics and other professionals with a range of backgrounds to support Chinese institutions of higher education in promoting an interdisciplinary approach to environment and health that takes into account complex interactions with processes of economic and social development. 

The goals of this project are:

(1) to create curriculum materials tailored to China, which can be adapted for use in a variety of university-level courses relating to environment, health and development;
(2) to develop cross-disciplinary networks of faculty and staff within and across institutions of higher education that can provide a basis for ongoing sharing of teaching materials and experience, and the development of innovative, locally-grounded approaches to environment and health problems;
(3) to encourage collaborations between universities and local communities to respond to local environment and health problems.

Based on a review of existing capacity and needs in a number of Chinese universities, in 2013-2014 FORHEAD provided small grants to support a number of activities that meet the goals above, including: faculty seminars; public lectures; the development of courses, course components or special concentrations; and community-campus collaborations or service learning activities.

The Faculty and Curriculum Development for Environment, Health and Development in China Project was supported by the United Board. 

List of small grants projects (alphabetically by the last name of the researcher who led the project; project summaries in Chinese):

Environment and Society Curriculum Development

Project Lead: Cheng Pengli, Sociology Department of Chongqing University of Science and Technology

Environment and Health Curriculum Development and Teacher Capacity Building in Institutions of Higher Learning in Yunnan Province

Project Lead: Fang JingInstitute of Public Health at Kunming Medical University

Production and Application of Case Study Teaching Materials: Introduction to Environmental Science and Engineering"

Project Lead: Guo Chuling, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Raising Awareness about Environment, Health and Development

Project Lead: Luo ChunDevelopment Institute, Yunnan University / Institute of Population, Resources and Environmental Economics

Environment, Health and Development Curriculum Development and Teacher Capacity Building

Project Lead: Ma ZhenyuGuangxi Medical University

Environment, Health and Development in Rural Northern Fujian Curriculum Development and Application

Project Lead: Su ShipengSchool of Public Management of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University

Environment, Health and Law

Project Lead: Wu ManchangSchool of Law, Kunming University of Science and Technology

Connecting the Dots: Development, Environment and Health Integrated Curriculum Development

Project Lead: Xu JianhuaCollege of Environmental Science and Engineering, Beijing University

Guest Lecture Series on Environment, Health and Green Development 

Project Lead: Yang Lichao, School of Social Development and Public Policy, Beijing Normal University / Green Development Institute

Environment, Health and Development Curriculum Development

Project Lead: Zhang LeiSchool of Environment and Natural Resources, Renmin University of China


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