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GEO Health: Methodology for Integrated Environment and Health Assessment. A focus on Latin America a

Published by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) ,Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean and the Pan-American Health Organization /World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO)
After a long process that began in 2003 and benefited from the participation of many scientists and experts both in America and the Caribbean and from outside the Region, it gives us great pleasure to present the document “GEO Health: Methodology for Integrated Environment and Health Assessment”. A focus on Latin America and the Caribbean” on behalf of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Pan-American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO).
The preparation of the GEO Health methodology is an initiative motivated by the Declaration of Health and Environment Ministers of the Americas in Ottawa in March, 2002, where the commitments established in the Pan-American Charter on Health and the Environment in Sustainable Human Development and the Washington Action Plan of 1995 include: “the value, the importance and the need for the health and environment sectors to work more closely in defining the problems, identifying the solutions and in the instrumentation of joint initiatives with the participation of the public and private sectors, as well as civil society”.
GEO Health methodology offers us a guideline for carrying out an integral assessment, creating an intersectorial, interdisciplinary and participatory space where reliable scientific information can be produced and addressed to the persons responsible for policies on environment and health issues. After having analysed the main instruments of environmental assessment applied in Latin America and the Caribbean, the components of the GEO Health conceptual framework were linked together, based on the synergy of the conceptual framework for environmental assessments UNEP’s “Global Environment Outlook” (GEO) and the HEADLAMP Model (Analysis of health and environment for decision making), developed by the World Health Organization (WHO)……
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GEO Health: Methodology for Integrated Environment and Health Assessment. A focus on Latin America and the Caribbean